Monday, April 27, 2015

Yikes! Its been almost a full year since I posted last. I feel like I need to get some recent pictures of the boys up here!

Here are some update on this last year. I am now finishing my first year at Cyprus High School. I have loved my experience at Cyprus. It has been fun and challenging. It is very different going from one school that has all of the resources you need to another that doesn't quite have the same resources. But we find a way to make it work. The students are amazing though and so grateful for the help and love they get from us. I feel like I am in the right place. The basketball season was rough. Many laughs, and tears. Many losses...and 2 wins. That was hard to swallow as I'm not used to losing. But I grew from this.

Mike has some big news that he will reveal tomorrow after we close on our new home...on his 30th birthday! What a nice birthday gift right?!

Any way as Noah's first birthday is next week I realized that I don't have any recent pictures up! This guy has a very strong and stubborn personality. He doesn't like to cuddle much, but when he does we treasure it...and fight over who gets to cuddle with him ;) He is very sweet though and laughs so hard at any attention he gets form his older brother Kyden, and his unlce Jonathan. 

 Mike shaved his beard......

 I chopped 16 inches off my hair.....

Kyden Started Soccer....
This girl found her way into our hearts... (we don't both fit anymore so this is now her chair)

And we are so grateful for this crazy little thing called life!  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Baby #2

IIt was so nice to be able to go back and read about the delivery with Kyden so I have decided to blog about this one too.

A couple weeks ago my doctor talked me into planning an induction date. I thought I was advernterous and would try to go into labor on my own. She made some pretty valid points. The one that sold me was how quickly my first delivery was, therefore if this one is quicker, or just as quick I may not have time for an epidural...yeah that got me. So we planned for May 9th. When she checked me last week I was dialted to a 2 and the baby's head had totally dropped. She decided to move the inductiond date up since we probably wouldn't make it to May 9th given my history. THey wanted to move it to May 4th since my due date was May 11th (Mother's Day! How sweet!) but since that was a Sunday, we settled for Tuesday (My doc had Monday off, and I don't want to see a man).  So Tuesday morning hit and we called at 6 AM as instructed. They had us in by 7:30! So here we go!!!!!

Dripping ky off at Grandpa's

8:00 First dose of pitocin. After signing more papers, and ordering meals Mike gave me a blessing
9:00 Contractions are getting uncomfortable and consistent. No pain at all.....yet. More pitocin given. Doc came in and said she will be breaking my water at 12. More to come at noon. 

11:00 Mike and I fell asleep but I woke up to some pretty uncomfortable contractions. Definitely don't tickle! Contractions are about 5 minutes apart. I don't have the heart to wake Mike. I will let him sleep another hour. I'm getting nervous for epidural but I know I will love the relief. 
 We got the epidural around noon

1:00 doc broke my water. 

3:21 baby Noah Michael Miranda was born 8.9 oz 21 inches :)

I'm missing a huge time gfre from when things got crazy. The epidural made my blood pressure drastically drop. I was non-responsive. They had to give me a shot to get my pressure up quick. Kinda scary. But they got me back and it was time to push. The doctor literally ran over since the baby was coming. She didn't have time to get her delivery suit on. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Life as we know it....

I have been pretty dang bad at blogging! Things have been crazy over here! I have been doing a lot of blogging, but it has been for my little brother who is serving a mission in Arizona. Mike has been updating his sister's blog as well. So we have both been neglecting our family blog. Well here are some updates.
Mike applies for the radiology program in January. He is now doing a program at SLCC for programing he can use for side work/jobs in the mean time.

I start full time student teaching January 6th, and finish March 28th. Then I will only have one class to attend until Graduation in May. Most of you know that we have a baby on the way. The baby is due just a few days before graduation. I'm thinking that we will probably be induced the week before. Though I don't know if I want to sit on the "ring of fire" for that long. Maybe I will get a donut to sit on. I was offered a teaching position at Mana Academy ( It is a charter school in West Valley that serves the community, and more specifically students who are underrepresented. I'm pretty excited! So I have from April till Aug to spend all the time I want with my two little babies (Ky is still a baby to me)....and hopefully get the baby on a consistent schedule for Mike (who will be at home with the kids most of the time) and get Ky onto a schedule since things will change once the baby gets here.

Kyden officially hit his terrible twos just a couple months ago. I'm hoping that since it came early that means it will go early! Fingers crossed he is back to being an angel as soon as the baby comes. He wants to talk so much. He gets frustrated when we don't know what he is saying, but he's getting better at telling us.

This pregnancy has seemingly been harder. Though I may just think that because when I was pregnant with Ky I didn' have a crazy toddler to take care of.  I started to feel less of the morning sickness about week 11. After week 12 I felt much better, but still have bad days, or every once in awhile a spell of sickness. I have had heat-flashes like crazy though!

We are pretty happy, excited, and nervous...well I am.
Pictures to come!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tribute to Gisselle Fotography

I would just like to give a little shout out to my girl Gisselle, and Gisselle Fotography!
 I was looking at Kyden's 6 month pics and she did AMAZING!!!! She is so fun, sweet, and pretty much awesome! She genuinely loves babies, and children. She also her self is a momma to a beautiful baby boy, and still finds the time to be a photographer! You rock Gisselle, I just want you to know I appreciate all you have done for me and my family! We three love you three! :) esp you (shhh don't tell Sam & Diego ;))

Gracias por todo! We love you!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Kimberly Photography

My girlfriend Kimberly Gourley has started her own photography business. She IS AMAZING! If you remember my maternal photos...ya they were amazing. I always feel so dumb getting my picture taken and she made me SO comfortable. But that's not even the best part! She is AMAZING with children and babies! She has worked for years as a proffesional nanny, and worked as a teacher in a school for children with special needs. She is SO great with kids who have special needs! She has a sincere love for all children. This is one reason why it is so easy to love her. Here are just a few pics from our recent shoot at her studio. She has such a sweet spirit that the kids can sense. Just look at the pics, you can tell how much he loved her!!/pages/Kimberly-Photography/138455472957324


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I've noticed early on last week that Kyden was starting to go through a growth spurt. Yikes! This meant for less sleep, and more crying. He's not much of a cryer and I got used to that so now when he cries it drives me bonkers. Well he's gotten a little bit past his ravenous hunger and is now to a stage where all he wants to do is sleep. I LOVE IT! I think to myself "now I can get stuff done" What I actually do is spend more time in bed or on pinterest (most addictive website. It's science.). I also noticed early last week that he is going through this stage where he wants to hug, or lay his head on you (or anything that's bigger than him) If I lay him on the floor with a stuffed animal or a pillow he will bury his face in it. It is so sweet. If dad is being silly he will laugh and then lay his head on my chest, or shoulder. It is the sweetest feeling! I'm loving this age/stage!